Say It Ain’t Sho

by Todd Herges

He arrived to throes
of joyous anticipation.
Say it ain’t Sho…

He went on to meet
About ev’ry expectation.
Just say no, Sho…

Discussed everywhere:
an awful new revelation.
Say it ain’t Sho…

The baseball world torn,
with the Cooperstown bronze dulling.
Say it ain’t Sho…

He pitches! Hits! Bets?
Despite first throes, the bloom is off
… Ohtani’s Rose.


Blake Snell

By James Finn Garner

Blake Snell
Still pitches quite well
But for that to sell,
You’d have to tell
GMs half-truths to quell
Their fear of wild spells
And early-game bombshells
Which the Cy Young didn’t dispel.

Now he’s in SF,
A place accustomed AF
To an up-and-down staff.
Let’s hope Melvin is deft
or it will be “exit, stage left.”

Bill Monbouquette

by Jim Siergey

Bill Monbouquette
Needed no sobriquet
For a name with such musical flow

But Bill Monbouquette
A sobriquet did get
His teammates all called him “Monbo”

Did Bill Monbouquette
Ever regret
That his name went on forevermore?

Because Monbouquette
Was shortened more yet
As M’b’q’t’e in the daily box score.

Respectable People

By Old Hoss Radbourn

No use in blinking
at the fact
that at that time the game was thought,
by respectable people,
to be only one degree above
grand larceny,
and those who engaged in it were
beneath notice of
decent society.

Thanks to Jim Koenigsberger @Jimfrombaseball.