Ace Not So High

by Jim Siergey


The ace on the White Sox, Mark Buehrle
Now hurls like T.V.’s Mr. Furley
Goes into his kick
Then throws like he’s sick
And exits the game rather early.


Jim Siergey is the author of the Cubs’ sci-fi epic, If They Did It. You can see his illustrations and other work at his website here.

Posted 6/8/10

Double Armando Haiku

By Joe Moag

Uproar in the press!
Lupica wants Selig to
Bend time…space…honor.

Override ump’s call?
This summer’s game ain’t perfect.
Not one for the books.

Posted 6/6/10

Galarrrrraga – The Tiger!

by Millie Bovich

When 25 came up to bat,
The crowd erupted — ‘member that?

Then Jackson pulled one from the skies,
A miracle before our eyes.

Twenty-six then took the heat.
Two outs! The fans all on their feet.

So 27 tapped the plate.
The anxious throng could hardly wait.

The hitter nipped an infield ball,
And then the most disputed call.

The runner obviously was out.
The fans began to rant and shout.

Who says the umpire can’t be wrong?
Joyce on first gets baseball’s gong!

Leyland roared in Joyce’s face,
One thundrous “boo” engulfed the place.

A perfect game slipped ‘Mando’s hands.
Deep disappointment filled the stands.

This time an error the ump did make,
Too late admitting his mistake.

Galarraga’s perfect game
Was stolen! What a dirty shame!

The only perfect game to date
Whose batters totaled 28!

Millie Bovich has been a Detroit Tigers fan for more than eight decades.

Posted 6/4/2010

Nobody’s Perfect (The Armando Galarraga Saga)

by James Finn Garner


After the call that the umpire blew,
What could Armando Galarraga do?

Drag him to court in front of a judge,
Since now his market value was smudged?

Argue some kind of liberal plot?
Threaten to meet Joyce in the parking lot?

Hire a hit man to mangle his mug?
Break down on “Oprah” to get some O-hugs?

Threaten his wife, kids, brothers and sisters?
Publish his home phone number on Twitter?

Beg ol’ Bud Selig for some Commissioner’s magic?
Hire some flacks for his story so tragic?

Buy off some pols to rewrite the rules?
Sic Milton Bradley on his family jewels?

But Armando showed character larger than fame.
He smiled, shook hands and went on with the game.


Posted 6/3/2010

A Pocket History of the Hanley Ramirez Mess

By Stuart Shea

Hanley Ramirez jogged after the ball.
Hanley Ramirez didn’t hustle at all.

Hanley Ramirez was pulled from the game.
Hanley Ramirez tried shifting the blame.

Hanley Ramirez blew off some steam.
Hanley Ramirez was shunned by his team

Hanley Ramirez heard from the press.
Hanley Ramirez was in a big mess.

Hanley Ramirez, we know, isn’t dense.
Hanley Ramirez came to his sense.

Hanley Ramirez has answered the mob.
Now Hanley Ramirez goes back to his job.


Posted 5/31/10