
by Charles Ghigna

The slits of his eyes
hidden in shadows
beneath the bill of his cap,
he watches and waits
like a patient cat
to catch what comes
his way.

and he pounces
upon the ball,
his hands flying
above the grass,
flinging his prey
on its way
across the diamond
into a double-play.

Charles Ghigna is the award-winning author of more than 40 volumes of poetry for children and adults, including Score: 50 Poems to Motivate and Inspire.  Find out more at his website, Father Goose.


Posted 7/2/2009

Mutual Baseball Almanac, 1959

by Doug Fahrendorff

Last week
My brother returned
My copy of
The 1959 Mutual Baseball Almanac.
He had given me the book for my birthday
That year.
I paged through the articles
Describing how to play each position:
Roberts on pitching
Campanella catching
Musial the outfield
Statistics of yesterdays heroes
The book a mirror
Into a time long past
When baseball was still
Only a game.


Posted 7/1/2009

A Baseball Poem #3

by Stephen Jones

Anticipation’s eyes locked

pitcher-to-batter batter-to-pitcher
catcher & umpire the close-ended
joint of a bright green fan laid down

spread open warning track edged
& in an outfield’s groomed grass
a leather glove thumped waiting


Posted 6/29/2009

Truth Endures

By Stuart Shea

Seasons come and go.
Shadows cross the land.
But in the passing parade of humanity,
One thing will always go as planned:
Adam Dunn will miss the cutoff man.


Posted 6/22/2009

A Short Canto for Ron Santo

by Sid Yiddish

This is my short canto
For old Cubby favorite Ron Santo.
From the Baseball Hall Of Fame
Once again he was denied,
but instead of laughing out-loud,

I merely cried…

Wait until next year!

For more on Sid Yiddish’s poetry, music and performances, check out his My Space page.