
by Carol S. McDade

Dustin, Youk, Lester
Proven, tested, young – locked up
Glory years in store


Posted 6/17/2009

A Cub Fan Reflects on the Astros

by Tim Souers

I wish the Astros all of the worst.
I find myself happy when they’re not in first.
With his dancing so flirty,
I wish Jose Valverde
Caught a cleat and his ligaments burst.

Published 6/12/09

Tim Souers posts new original artwork daily at his site Cubby-Blue, and is a regular illustrator for the Cubs’ monthly Vine Line.

Near Cutdown Day

By Stuart Shea

Whatcha gonna do
If you don’t make the team?

Whatcha gonna do
If you don’t make the team?

You’re 36
You’ve got one bad knee
And your last two-year contract
Ended in 2003.

Whatcha gonna do
If you don’t make the team?

Whatcha gonna do
If you don’t make the team?

You’re not at home
While your children grow
Your wife’s been waiting
And she deserves to know.

Whatcha gonna do
If you don’t make the team?

Whatcha gonna do
If you don’t make the team?

If you’re the last cut,
Have you had your fill?
Or will you take that deal
In Louisville?

Whatcha gonna do
If you don’t make the team?

Published 6/8/2009

Baseball Dreams

by Charles Ghigna

In memory of Jack Marsh,
second baseman, Yale University, 1943

Before the bayonet replaced the bat,
Jack Marsh played second base for Yale;
his spikes anchored into the August clay,
his eyes set deep against the setting sun.

The scouts all knew his numbers well,
had studied his sure hands that flew
like hungry gulls above the grass;
but Uncle Sam had scouted too,

had chosen first the team to play
the season’s final game of ’44,
had issued him another uniform
to wear into the face of winter moon

that shone upon a snowy plain,
where players played a deadly game,
where strikes were thrown with each grenade,
and high pitched echoes linger still.

Beyond the burned-out foreign fields
and boyhood dreams of bunts and steals,
young Jack Marsh is rounding third
and sliding, sliding safely home.


Charles Ghigna is the award-winning author of more than 40 volumes of poetry for children and adults, including Score: 50 Poems to Motivate and Inspire.  Find out more at his website, Father Goose.

Posted 5/26/2009