Sonnet for Late Innings

by Kevin Canfield

In the nineteen seventies, relievers
Climbed to an elevated echelon
Heat throwers and inventive deceivers
Their names formed a wholly new lexicon

Goose, Tug, the Mad Hungarian, Sparky
Esteemed, oft-mustachioed game-enders
The vanguard of bullpen hierarchy
Chucking sliders, heaters, splitters, benders

Starting in ’76, an award—
Sponsored by Rolaids, ace heartburn stopper—
Ensured they were never again ignored
The trophy? A gold firefighter’s topper

Check out pics of the era’s top savers
Sideburns, beards, goatees—infrequent shavers

Kevin Canfield is a Mets fan who has canceled cable until football season. His work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post and other publications.


Max Carey

by Michael Ceraolo

When I played,
my claim to fame was stealing bases;
I even patented sliding pads
when I was involved in the girls’ game,
I winced every time a player
had to slide in those skirts
We should have let them wear baseball pants