Sports Franchise Owners

by Stephen Jones

They’re mental about money.
Win-lose, $ is king.
But truth-be-told,
They’re not so bold
When the cash drawer rings.

Except when their brand
Is elevated,
And its cost is weighed
Against profit, loss
And what tomorrow brings.

Don Zimmer, RIP

by James Finn Garner

Old Zim
When I think of him
Looks like chaw and tar
And a grand har-har
To those squares
Who don’t care
About baseball
And giving your all
For what you love.
And when push comes to shove,
Had Martinez been 70,
Zim would’ve pounded him plenty.

You’re our kind of guy.
Goodbye, Popeye.



by Philip Pecorino

More than the assemblage of players who will rotate their postures
from defense to offense,
who will take up positions from home plate to the fences,
more than the lineup and pitching rotation,
more than the lead off and then some to the closer,
a spirit that is summoned when the assemblage takes the field
their tasks and dreams to pursue:
but not supernatural, instead, it is quite actual

When they come together,
in stadium, lot, field, yard or park in any form of weather,
in day or night, it is there  in clear sight:
the element beyond mere addition of nine on a field
to be seen when it is present, even more when absent,
a thing of beauty in a 3-6-3 or a 8-2 putout at the plate.

In coming together, in play after play, as if in a dream,
onlookers may say it is what it does seem:
they are playin’ as a team!



by Bob Carlton

A game of pepper–
flattened grass keeps getting
back up