May Day

by Jim Siergey

Here’s to Carlos and Derrick
Boy, could they play!
And to Rudy and Derrell
Let’s shout hooray!
Milt and Pinky, Scott and Dave
All stand tall — this is your day!


 For the latest on this renowned writer/illustrator is up to, click here.

I Root For Boston – April 15, 2013

by Stephen Jones

What a sport, where marathoners run
for the sake of running, where fans and
well-wishers stand and wait for hours
and cheer – often without regard for favorites.

Then the unspeakable happened in Boston,
and even more sacrifice and heart unfurled –
this time in the midst of devastation and
tragedy.  I watched in disbelief, staring at

the unblinking television, at the play-by-play
news coverage and thought: “They run for joy,
with unbent spirit.  Now they run to each other.
No teams – just pure, shared, giving humanity.”

I am a Yankee fan – have been since a child –
but on April 15, 2013, I rooted for Boston.



by Stephen Jones

Come to the stadium!  That’s the cry
by advertisement.  And I wonder Why?
After maybe a spent hundred dollars . . .
I’m screwed by determined commercial posture.

I am naive, I do confess.  Baseball was for me
something special — a pleasure when reality
got too hard (I learned this as a first-borne child)
. . . but now things have grown too wild:

Baseball’s contract figures recently
have been staggering.  So I ask Why
should I pay for something which doesn’t —
as baseball should — provide relief in an instant?


I am the Very Model of a Modern Clubhouse Veteran

by Susan Petrone

I am the very model of a Modern Clubhouse Veteran,
I share my knowledge with the rookies and my baseball bretheren
I’ve been a pro for many years and quote the games historical,
My post-season experience is more than just rhetorical;

In the field, I’m average, it matters not a whit to me
I’m here to hit and demonstrate my offensive consistency
They call me cheerful and upbeat, I guess I’m really not sedate
But I can teach the younger guys on showing patience at the plate.

I’ll make the clubhouse warm and fuzzy so the team can rock the Jake
That’s why I had them dress like fools and made them do the “Harlem Shake”
In short so Tito doesn’t have to take so much Excederin
I am the very model of a Modern Clubhouse Veteran.


Susan Petrone blogs regularly on the Cleveland Indians at  It’s Pronounced Lajaway.

I Grew Up

by Barbara Gregorich

I grew up in large backyards
with fields nearby
and open spaces.

I grew up with bats and balls
with neighbor kids
and unfenced spaces.

I grew up with white and black
with pickup games
in unblocked spaces.

I grew up with a batter’s stance
and hit away
to unfilled spaces.

I grew up with long-ball blasts
that led my eyes
to equal places.


From Barbara’s latest book (which is not all about baseball, she warns), Crossing the Skyway.