2013 AL East Prediction Haiku

By Stuart Shea

The Orioles soared…
Does anyone believe they
Can fly high again?

With no Valentine,
Can the Olde Towne Team win back
Bleeding Boston hearts?

Old Yankee soldiers
May not die, but do tend to
End up disabled

Rays fans hold out hope
That good pitching can make up
For that weird infield

When blue jays make noise
It signals that something is
Wrong in the forest

Sosa, Bonds, Clemens and Cooperstown

by Stephen Jones

“Ladies and gentlemen, the ballot is . . .”
At Cooperstown it’s Sosa, Bonds, Clemens.
It’s pretty soon time for first-round voting,
but pundits and voters are already griping:
Despite cases dismissed and transcripts
revealed, hearts are already convinced:
“Something” wasn’t and isn’t right.
Pete Rose is probably chuckling,
fuming or both. At least he’s admitting
(somewhat) transgression. The others?

Not a peep.

World Series, Day 4

by Ember Nickel

There was an extra round and there was rain
And there were extras. None of that would keep
The playoffs from concluding in their main
Month here. Win by the sweep, lose by the sweep.
The Tigers could go yard once they would try it,
The Giants showed them how. It’s not too weird
To overhear the yelling from “the riot”
Nor to watch the closer’s secondhand beard.
Let the rain fall; today the sky is orange.

Has the Dynamic Changed After One Game?

by Stephen Jones

The Giants and the Tigers . . .

To the critics the Tigers are showing rust
and now after just one game are showing bust.

Rust-or-bust?  Rust got a team to a World Series?
No, it arrived by smart play, heart and chemistry.

I’m not jumping on a West Coast bandwagon
just yet.  The Panda stung Detroit – Kaboom!

But one game doesn’t make a legacy.
Much less a “given” – World Series history.