by Raphael Badagliacca
east & west
best of best
east & west
best of best
uplifting fall
Behind the plate I saw an ad
Something about support the troops.
I thought to myself, “Hey, I had
Ad-block on this computer!
Ember Nickel blogs about baseball and poetry at Lipogram! Scorecard!
Baseball players scratch and spit
Whether or not they get a hit
So give those fellas gum to chew
And cut their pants larger by an inch or two!
In her eighth decade as a Tiger fan, Millie Bovich is also a neighbor from my old hometown. (Go Tigers!)
The baseball calendar has come almost
full circle. Last Spring’s possibilities
are now October playoffs. A home run
speaks volumes, as does hard pitching.
Now the August nosebleed chorus shouting
is history. This is baseball’s circus time,
its center ring where round ball, round bat
become convention, the norm of history.