Mariners/Athletics in Tokyo

by Stephen Jones

How hollow it seems
that the opening game
of the season was in Japan

The market deemed,
baseball explained,
it’s now international pastime

Yes, “changing times”
& “good for the game”
are the general conclusion

However the explanation
what’s missed is tradition
opening day at home field

(It’s a) Spring Thing

by Hilary Barta

Take the bats and the balls and the batters
Add the catcalls and hall-of-fame statters
Then the scouting reports
That drown out other sports —
It’s the national pastime that matters


For the best in limericks, discerning doggerelists always insist on Hilary Barta’s poems at LimerWrecks.

NOT Quite Haiku for Spring Training

by Jay Kenny

With apologies to Basho

Crowd files into seats
.       infield dragged
.  Ump cries “Play ball!”
.     Frog plops into
.      centerfield pond


An Ode to Bright House Field (With No Mention of the Hooters Ball Girls)

by Joyce Heiser

We could’ve gone to SeaWorld
The ocean sounds like fun
Instead we sit in the hot heat sun
And watch a game of chance

Is it a game or more a test?
Road-tired vets that have to play
Minted fresh kids who demand their say
Now, then, a years-old dance

It’s a fine, fine line they walk
For us a lazy day
A beer, a dog, just to get away
It takes work to make romance