Deadline Day!

By Stuart Shea

Deadline day is coming!
Whose lives will be uprooted?
What players will be traded
Like cargo to be scooted?

Will the Yankees snag a pitcher,
The Tigers a receiver?
The White Sox need a hitter,
The Dodgers a reliever.

The Diamondbacks are out to deal,
The Cubs would like to trade,
And Kansas City always wants
To trim payroll a shade.

Ted Lilly and Roy Oswalt,
Dan Haren and Dotel,
Dunn’s a done deal also
Once their clubs decide to sell.

So ship out all those veterans,
Young prospects for to grab,
’cause clubs in flag contention
Always have to take a stab.

Superhero Night with the West Michigan Whitecaps

by James Finn Garner


To augment the human-sized, foam-rubber eyeball footraces
(Sponsored by a local optometrist)
And the hot wieners bazooka’d into the crowd
(Brought to you by an insurance agency)
And the horrible-hued disco dance contest
(Courtesy of Q-107–“You Can’t Stop The Rock”),
The special events crew rented costumes
Of Captain America and The Hulk,
Complete with stitched-in muscles,
And waved and flexed and danced and clowned.

In between,
Pitchers strained,
Batters swung,
Fielders pounced,
Dreaming of the show.

Posted 7/19/10

State Gold

by Todd Herges

On the occasion of my son winning the USSSA Nebraska state championship, U11 division

Winning it all bestows some

For all of the games well-played;

For all the big metro team thumpings;

Excited hope
For next season and all that will follow
on the way to the show (for sure?);

For past transgressions – especially the mental;

That will hang on hall of fame walls
until future days when all of them fall;

That will live as long
as the players and their parents and their kids.

Posted 7/18/10

What the…?

by Bob Carlton
the knuckle
ball wobble
a drunk
en fire fly
blinks here swing
there maybe
you hit it probably

Posted 7/14/2010

I Swear (About Baseball)

By Stephen Jones

I swear with this July
with summer’s bending weather

nothing is written in stone
nothing written about steady teams
just now the “watch fors”
to surprise & old rivalries to spark

Baseball like a slow bullet
Has yet to target summer

Posted 7/9/10