New Legends of the Fall

by James Finn Garner

On a beautiful weekend in fall
As everyone broke out their sweaters
And watched colored leaves in thrall
Of the passage of time and the weather

A few teams still played baseball
Underdogs showed up and played better
The Braves, Bums and Mets hit the wall
While the Pods and Phils raced for the cheddar.

Get set for the stories that bawl
About TV ratings — “could be better!”
Ignore this predictable squall
And enjoy the seasonal splendor.

Baseball – Fall Classic

Ralph Terry

by Michael Ceraolo

Going from the Yankees to Kansas City officially
was a trade between two big-league teams,
but everyone knew it was more like
being farmed out, with return certain
if the player developed sufficiently,
which is what happened in my case
After my return I experienced
the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat
before that became a sports catchphrase,
both times in a Game Seven:
giving up the walk-off to Mazeroski,
two years later shutting out the Giants, one-nothing
Later, in retirement,
I qualified for the pro golf tour
I think I’m still to this day
the only former major leaguer to do so

What I’ve Learned

by Stephen Jones

Now that the Wild Card
Smoke has cleared
And my team has just lost,
There’s one that I’ve learned,
Something in my brain
Like a Pythagorean theorem:

“In the postseason war
There is a reason for
Pitching, pitching, pitching.
No matter how gaudy
Your at-bats have become,
There is a reason
You’ll always be undone:
Pitching, pitching, pitching.”


The Days Grow Shorter

by James Finn Garner

So now we begin Season 2
Prepare for the Fox Sports retinue
With ignorant journos
And Taco Bell promos
We know summer’s pleasures are through.