Yankees 5, Blue Jays 2

by Stephen Jones

Despite four walks for Aaron Judge —
Even Toronto fans murmured disapproval;
They too wanted to see history made —
The Yankees still clinched the division.
Maybe now, with all that behind him,
Judge can now hit his 61.


September Baseball

By Stuart Shea

There is no clock.
The games could last forever,
Even as September suns sink sooner every day.
This is suspended-animation baseball time.

If a team is 30 out, and nobody watches,
Did the game even happen?
Maybe only in your mind,
But this is the best place for a baseball game anyway.

Cups of coffee and last gasps,
Careers come and go in a flash,
Before the eyes of the true devotees,
Miles from a pennant race.


Originally posted 9/28/2009

Albert the Great

By James Finn Garner

To the 700 home run goup
We can add Pujols with a whoop
After that crank
He joins Babe, Bonds and Hank
And our joy in the game we recoup.