By Dr. Rajesh C. Oza

Like a shintO gOOse egg,
The letter “O” is perfect.

rOOkies Of the Year,
Include a Japanese “O” sect:

1995: nOmO.
2000: kazuhirO.
2001: ichirO.
2018: shOhei.

frOm nippOn’s baseball pantheOn,
There’s One “O”

whO shOuld be in cOOperstOwn:
Sadaharu Oh.


True North

by James Finn Garner

“Make Canada the 51st state!”
Brays a thief-liar-rapist in hate.
Compassionate, fair,
Straight-up, self-aware–
Canucks are all things he ain’t.

With my bear buddy, Buddy Brown Bear, at a Vancouver Canadians game, June 2023.

A Pressing Issue

by James Finn Garner

Mets Can’t Wear Alternative Jerseys Because the Pants Haven’t Arrived

As the nation’l pastime seeks expanse
To pull in those who might just glance
And, intrigued, give the game a chance,
Manfred should provide some pants.

Fans in Britain, Spain and France,
With soccer frustrated perchance,
Might get all “Tinker! Evers! Chance!”
But won’t if players have no pants.

College hoops? Yeah, “The Big Dance!”
Skaters ’round Stanley’s cup prance.
Football thrills all uncles and aunts.
Baseball? They ain’t got no pants.

On-field play can be enhanced
And fortunes made through slick finance
But we might have a free “snake dance”
Unless MLB invests in pants.