Here’s the Thing

by Raphael Badagliacca

here’s the thing
about spring
training I never
knew more than
I do now

it was always
all about hope,
the way it brings
back to us
the only year
that matters —
the baseball season

that’s the reason
why we need it now
more than ever
we’re out of shape
for hopefulness


Life is Good

by James Finn Garner

Winter’s been raw as a campout in Banff.
Your new basement walls are moldy and damp.
Your drapes caught fire from a knocked-over lamp—

.      Relax!
.      Pitchers and catchers are reporting to camp.

Your check-writing hand’s developed a cramp,
Your bills are all due and you ain’t got a stamp,
Creditors cling to your neck like a clamp—

.      Smile!
.      Pitchers and catchers are reporting to camp.

Your yard is now split by a new freeway ramp.
Your son is engaged to a gold-digging tramp.
Your “guitar hero” neighbor’s just bought a new amp—

.      Life is good!
.      Pitchers and catchers are reporting to camp.

After a 60-game season, they crowned LA champs,
While you’ve started a book club with all your house plants,
And will never go out again if it involves pants,

.     Life goes on,
.     Pitchers and catchers are reporting to camp.


First posted 2/13/2008; updated 2/18/21


by Fred Lovato

One by one, these men
who once graced my baseball cards
cross the great divide


Don Sutton

by Michael Ceraolo

On the ’66 Dodgers
I was the youngster on a staff of mostly veterans,
and I learned all I could from them
I couldn’t learn to throw a fastball or curve
like Koufax, that’s something that can’t be taught
But there were a couple of others
I could and did learn some tricks from
(wink wink)
I won’t rat them out even posthumously;
they know who they are,
and they have my eternal gratitude



by Jim Siergey

I must have seen Hank Aaron play
at Wrigley Field in nineteen
fifty nine
But it was my first baseball game,
I knew little about the sport
at the time
But I did see him hit number
seven hundred and fifteen
on the TV
in nineteen seventy four so
I am happy to have that