All, or Nothing-at-All, Ball?

by Stephen Jones

An uncle rich with old-time sentiment
Once patted me on the head, then pronounced:
“There is no shame in striking out.”
Sage advice, I guess, but times have changed:
Who has time for striking out, come October?

Home runs are being smashed at record pace,
The record number of strikeouts keeps ascending, and
My uncle would be dizzy at this two-fisted display.
Now the playoff question might well be:
Will one good arm outlast all those long-ball bats?

October will be interesting. . .

Kerouac’s Big League Blues

by Bill Staples, Jr., and John Kenney

Lowell high school
spring 1939
on the eve of a new
baseball campaign
coach Walter Foye
frantically searches
for a standout star

There is one potential ace
who ought to stand up
under our predictions
right here
.       and now

He’s Jack Kerouac

A splendid sprinting product of Mike Haggerty’s
a husky football product of Tom Keady’s
a right kid
a product of a loving home
.       God bless Leo and Gabrielle
fanatically interested
in their baby boy’s athletic career

The kid strikes me
with the same sort of
hope and dreams
the Florida sportswriters
conjured around
Red Sox rookie
Ted Williams
.       just weeks ago

He’s Jack Kerouac

He has everything
all the goods
but has yet to be tested
Can he swing the ole hickory
under fire in a ballgame
like he does in practice?

This much is certain
this much we know
he will be out there
trying to give it
.       heart, grit, guts, sweat, smarts
but only time will tell
the world the honest truth

I think the kid bids fair to be
a sensation of the season
unless the injury bugaboo
throttles down
his great promise
or some other reason

mark my words
the kid from Lowell
is a ballplayer
who bears watching

He can stand all this ballyhoo
rates as much as any thumper who
ever gave promise
to a hopeful ball club

He has all the stuff
I’m a believer
he has the temperament
and attitude
.       of a big leaguer

He’s Jack Kerouac

From Bill Staples’ blog, International Pastime. Bill took a column by John Kenney in the Lowell Sun, a preseason preview of the local baseball prospects, and set it to a jazzy Kerouackian rhythm. All rights reserved. 

The Proud Tripper

by Michael X. Ferraro

Just a few years back, the kid was at Prom.
Cut to: First day in the bigs! Dad and Mom
Interviewed in the stands
As their boy Isan
Uncoils. “Did we just homer off DeGrom?!”