All-Star Clerihews

Jose Abreu
DJ LaMahieu
And Hyun-Jin Ryu
Are my first triple-header All-Star clerihew!

Ketel Marte
Is a portable partay!
He’ll enjoy your booze
Whatever brand of vodka you choose

Jake Odorizzi
Better take it easy
And resist all that’s there to seduce and shock
On Cleveland’s red-light block.

Paul DeJong
Wears a lucky spangled thong
When the Cards are on a winning streak–
That guy’s a SuperFreak!


by Alan P. Rudy

The Vandy whistler’s an ass
The SEC gives him a pass
His mullet’s a sin
Unsporting with a grin
What an utter and complete lack of class.


The Cure

by Katharine Harer

baseball is a good antidote for death
where else do we mutter belief scream
hope over green grass bathed
in light where else do we coach the best
out of one another

it’s all right baby
you can do it
settle down guy
you’ll be okay just hang in there
we need you buddy
we need a spark
be the ignitor man

our whispered pleas combine over rows
of seats and peanut calls and pour into the ears
of our boys fixing them
with our best hope the best we have to give

nowhere else do we do this together
reverently from some untapped place
in our chests saved for our children
and our lovers we thought we’d used it up
but listen to us croon making our voices
carry just the right mixture
of love and demand

our throats are sore
the peanut shells under our feet flattened
from jumping up and sinking down again
our hearts extended
pumping belief
into this one afternoon

you can do it
you can do it for us
do it now come on
do it now


Katharine Harer has published six collections of poetry, the most recent, Jazz & Other Hot Subjects, in 2016. She teaches at Skyline Community College just south of San Francisco.  Copyright 2002 by Katharine Harer.