Chicago at the Bat: Both Sides Now

by Hilary Barta

With apologies to Ernest Lawrence Thayer

On the North side and the South side, the sun is shining bright;
“Go, Cubs, Go” and “Na na na na” are heard both day and night;
Both Yuppies and construction guys are given cause to shout;
Yes, there’s joy in two Chicagos — winning baseball’s the new “clout”.


Bury My Start at Wounded Knee

by Hilary Barta

No, he didn’t trip over a goat
There’s no curse we can soberly note
Running hard was the reason
Schwarber’s marred for the season
One collision and that’s all she wrote.


Storied Start

by Stephen Jones

Rockies’ mountain high
Trevor Story’s spring debut
6 home runs, 4 games


Hurly Buehrle

by Jim Siergey

Oh, where in the world is Mark Buehrle?
For him to retire’s too early
John Danks could be dumped
Put Mark on the bump
He’d be an improvement, quite verily


LaRoche Family Values

by the Village Elliott

White Sox Adam LaRoche walked away
From big contract and team. “I won’t play
If I can’t bring my kid,
All the time; always did.”
Sad “Good Fam’ly Man” used son that way.

While “good father’s” sound bite sounds pleasin’,
I’m cynical of noble reason.
Think “Mendoza Line” Dad,
Once set precedent bad,
While his teammates’ rights he’s been squeezin’.

Think unfair to think offspring should be
Work space feature set permanently.
What if some other dad
Does same, brings kid that’s bad,
Disrupting work place family?