The Very Dry Shampoo

By Stu Shea

Open bottle in April. Pour newly purchased veteran into lineup.
Work veteran into lineup, massaging egos to improve performance.
Veteran will work silently to maintain quality of lineup.
In late summer, rinse veteran from lineup.
Condition lineup with youngsters. Wait several years.
Repeat cycle until no longer necessary.


The Boys of Bummer

by Hilary Barta

Slapping leather, the players array
And together, they’ll play for today
.      But my favorite team
.      Is a wavering dream
And, untethered, is traded away.


Brown’s Derby

by Michael X. Ferraro

When Dominic Brown uncoils like a snake
of his intent there can be little doubt.
In May he took ZERO free passes,
but walloped a dozen balls out.

So the Philly fans rise as one
when the lanky kid takes a cut.
It’s only a .500 year so far,
and yet, and but, and but . . .