September Call-up

by Doug Fahrendorff

First time to the show
Team long out of playoff contention
An opportunity
To make an impression
Before next spring
First game
First at bat
Boyhood dream realized
Thanks to all who helped
Along the way


North Side Had Wood (This Fan Has Flown)

By Stuart Shea

I once had a team,
Or should I say,
It once had me.

And though they played bad,
Their park appealed–
Wrig-uh-ly Field.

I sat through Jim Kremmel, Chuck Rainey, and Wayne Nordhagen–
Mike Vail and Karl Pagel were touted as saviors back then.

Sat terrace reserved,
Bleachers and box,
Never threw rocks.

And when they played well,
I cheered loud,
Part of the crowd.

But 2003 was so bitter that I had to leave,
And since then they’ve given no reasons that I ought to grieve.

I still love the game,
If somebody plays, I
Watch every day.

But root for the Cubs?
That’s in the can.
No longer a fan.


The Very Dry Shampoo

By Stu Shea

Open bottle in April. Pour newly purchased veteran into lineup.
Work veteran into lineup, massaging egos to improve performance.
Veteran will work silently to maintain quality of lineup.
In late summer, rinse veteran from lineup.
Condition lineup with youngsters. Wait several years.
Repeat cycle until no longer necessary.


The Boys of Bummer

by Hilary Barta

Slapping leather, the players array
And together, they’ll play for today
.      But my favorite team
.      Is a wavering dream
And, untethered, is traded away.