MLB All-Fourth-of-July Team

1B   Champ Summers
2B   Keith Drumright
SS   Pat Rockett
3B   Dutch USsAt

LF   Bill Eagle
CF   Ethan Allen
RF   George Washington

C     Val Picinich

LHP    Ezra Lincoln, Danny Boone, Lafayette Currence
RHP    Jim Buchanan, Jim Bunting, Grover Cleveland Alexander

MGR    Sparklers Anderson


MLB All-Church Team

1B  Ángel Echevarria
2B  Max Bishop
SS  Jimmy Sexton
3B  Jeimer Candelario

LF Alta Cohen
CF Bob Usher
RF Ryan Church

C  Dixie Parsons

RHP  Tim Pugh, Conrad Cardinal, Jiggs Parson
LHP  Eddie Priest, Kneel Cotts, Chuck Templeton

MGR   Deacon White

Rick Monday

by James Finn Garner

Rick Monday
Born on Tuesday
Homered off Seaver Wednesday
Traded on Thursday
Saved the flag Friday
Broke Canada’s heart Saturday
Retired on Sunday
And that’s why people still talk about Rick Monday.

Photo Credit: Chicago Sun-Times


Out of the Lineup

by James Finn Garner

That old interrogative WHO
Was crushed when Trump said “Adieu”
It now sits alone
No fan mail, no phone,
Even shunned by his pals Bud and Lou

Artwork by the ever-popular Jim Siergey.


At the Old Bulgogi Game

by James Finn Garner

Never dreamed I’d want to see a
Ballgame broadcast from Korea
But to get a new fix
Of competitive kicks
I’d watch toad jousting from Tanzania.