At Last (With Apologies to Etta James)

By H. H. Schnepper

At last,
My Cubs have come along
Your losing days are over and
Winning’s like a song…

Oh yeah…

At last,
The wind is blowing out,
.500’s in your tail lights.
Last night when I looked at you.

I had a dream that has to come true
A dream that has you wearing rings
I had a dream you won the series
A thrill that I had never, ever known!

You won…you won,
And now the spell is cast
And here you are in Cub heaven
For you have made it
At last.

3 Haiku

by Jeff Fleming

I wish the Cubs had
Ichiro Starting in Right
Instead of Jacques Jones.

The Wooden Elbow
Continues to be creaky–
For godsakes, just pitch!

About Barry Bonds’ Seventy-Third:

Posted 6/15/07

The Saga of Battlin’ Mike Barrett

by James Finn Garner

This is the saga of Battlin’ Mike Barrett,
A tiger of a man with fists of ore.
He’d raise his dukes and take on all comers,
Regardless the color of jersey they wore.

His mighty hands landed many a blow.
He never backed down from a brawl.
But such hardened paws don’t do you much good
When your job’s to be fielding the ball.

Posted 6/14/07.

Haiku for Verlander


by John G. Johnson


Verlander v. Cubs:

Twenty-seven Ks, at least;

Dropped third strikes too, see?


Posted the day after Justin Verlander’s no-hitter against the Brewers, 6/13/07