Big Klu Viewed Through Lens of Blue

Biceps like well-tempered iron,

Frightening to see,

Was Ted Kluszewski.

No shirtsleeves wore he,

Did Ted Kluszewski.

And if you asked him why, he’d

Grind you into loose tea.

In his day he was feared,

The toughest man on the Ponderosa.

But today his muscles are matched

By Sammy Sosa

And Mark DeRosa.

Here’s to the Men of Milwauk

by Stu Shea

Here’s to the men of Milwauk,

Who are making the baseball world talk.

There’s a Hardy man at short and a Gross in reserve,

While the pitching staff’s Sheets are quite billowy.

Bill Hall runs ’em down while Craig will give Counsell

And Prince Fielder’s body is pillowy.

Yes, the Brew Crew is back in Milwauk,

Giving all its opponents a shock.

The rotation has been solid despite their less-known names,

And Francisco Cordero slams doors.

Though the roof of their park still sports a few holes,

The beer is the only thing that pours.

Yes, the Brew Crew is ready to rock,

Now that Bud Selig’s name’s off the block.

3 Haiku

by Jeff Fleming

I wish the Cubs had
Ichiro Starting in Right
Instead of Jacques Jones.

The Wooden Elbow
Continues to be creaky–
For godsakes, just pitch!

About Barry Bonds’ Seventy-Third:

Posted 6/15/07

The Saga of Battlin’ Mike Barrett

by James Finn Garner

This is the saga of Battlin’ Mike Barrett,
A tiger of a man with fists of ore.
He’d raise his dukes and take on all comers,
Regardless the color of jersey they wore.

His mighty hands landed many a blow.
He never backed down from a brawl.
But such hardened paws don’t do you much good
When your job’s to be fielding the ball.

Posted 6/14/07.

Haiku for Verlander


by John G. Johnson


Verlander v. Cubs:

Twenty-seven Ks, at least;

Dropped third strikes too, see?


Posted the day after Justin Verlander’s no-hitter against the Brewers, 6/13/07