Fred Merkle

by Michael Ceraolo

I was nineteen, playing occasionally
and learning inside baseball from Mr. McGraw and the veterans
What I did on September 23, 1908
was the common practice at the time
We had to re-play that tie game and lost,
missing out on the pennant by that one game
To his eternal credit, Mr. McGraw never blamed me,
nor did any of my teammates that I knew of
But sportswriters needed a scapegoat for their stories,
and so from that day forward I was Bonehead Merkle
to the sportswriters and fans
And that wasn’t the only bum rap I took:
there were whispers that I was involved in
the fixing of the Cubs-Phillies game of August 31, 1920,
and though there wasn’t a shred of evidence
(there couldn’t be, because I wasn’t involved),
the whispers were enough to keep me out of the majors,
though I came back in ’25 and ’26
for a few games as a player-coach
I was managing in the minors a few years later
when some rookie called me Bonehead,
and I walked away from baseball that day,
with absolutely no regrets in doing so

Bob Gibson, RIP

by Jim Siergey

When Mr. G took the mound
The bullpen could rest
There was no need for them
Any one could attest
When it came down to winning
The Big G was the best

Just his baleful stare
Made hitters take a breath
But he could not stare down
Mr. Death



by Hilary Barta

Cubs batters did not get it done
They ended up scoring one run
Deny or admit it
They just couldn’t hit it
And the post-postseason’s no fun.


The Book of Ernie

by Raphael Badagliacca

Where all ends
Lead to new beginnings
Looking down from heaven
At double-headers
Only seven innings
Mr. Banks shook his head
And said, “Let’s play three!”