King Kong Swingman

by Hilary Barta

That Kingman was strong there’s no doubt
His bat could deliver a clout
Each swing for the fences
Could dazzle the senses
More often than not, he struck out.

Illustration by Jim Siergey


Mordecai Peter Centennial Brown

by Peter Ceraolo

I’m using my given name here
because my nickname, Three-Fingered,
was a misnomer:
I had four-and-a-half fingers,
losing half of my right index finger
to farm machinery when I was a kid
While I was recovering from that,
I fell and broke the other fingers on that hand;
they never straightened completely after that
I understand today there is a pitch
called the split-fingered fastball
I think I was the originator of the pitch
without knowing it due to the missing half-finger
Considering the success I had,
including a winning record head-to-head
against Mathewson in games we both got the decision,
I am sometimes surprised
that other pitchers didn’t cut half a finger off.