by Hilary Barta
You lost ’cause your closer can’t close
And suffered some gut-wrenching blows
Your bullpen seemed rich
But baseball’s a bitch
Your chances now peanuts for crows.
You lost ’cause your closer can’t close
And suffered some gut-wrenching blows
Your bullpen seemed rich
But baseball’s a bitch
Your chances now peanuts for crows.
Hit it outta here
Cubs bell was rung
By young DeJong
Cubs say to fans
S-s-so long!
Cubs’ comebacks are never enough
Leads blown when the going gets tough
It isn’t their day
It all slips away
My nightmares are made of this stuff.
There once was a player named Douthit
whose hitting approach can’t be doubted
Ten years in the sun
Hit .291
He could, without no lingering doubt, hit.
If every game left is a must-win
Here’s a flash for the Cubbies, just in:
Your prospects erode
Without wins on the road.
Your season is now in the dustbin.