Baseball Record

by Steven D. Johnson

Five hundred eleven – the wins of Cy
near three sixty-seven – the bat of Ty
But in baseball heaven, just blink an eye . . .
.    and records will be broken.

Just look at Babe Ruth – seven hundred fourteen
.    To tell you the truth, his home runs were seen
.        to hold a record not passed – thirty-nine years, ‘til alas
Hank Aaron’s bat was woken.

Yet there is a record that will ever stand,
.    but it’s not Ted Williams, and it’s not Stan the Man
.        don’t look to Tris Speaker, don’t bank on Pete Rose
.           for this baseball record every ballplayer knows
.    belongs, yes it does, to another.

It’s not for stolen bases – though Oakland’s a believer
.    nor is it held by aces – like Gibson, Ford or Seaver
No, the sole baseball mark that will hold in every park
.    belongs to father, son, and brother.

The record that won’t break, held through highs and heartache,
is going seven-for-seven, every baseball season week
.    since 1911 – now that is quite a feat!
It’s keeping baseball alive since 1925.
It’s zero games missed since 1886.
It’s giving ballplayers a reason
.    to thrive in baseball season.

Yes, the only baseball record
.    that will maintain its stand
.        belongs to the beloved,
.            committed baseball fans!


Gone With Their Guts

by Michael X. Ferraro

Smashing Adams
and Climbing Stairs
Unwelcome Matts,
true Blue Despair


In 2008, portly Phillies pinch-hitter Matt Stairs clubbed a two-run homer in Game 4 of the NLCS against the Dodgers reliever Jonathan Broxton, en route to a Philadelphia series victory.  Last night, the hefty Cardinals first baseman Matt Adams launched a three-run shot in Game 4 of the NLDS to send the Dodgers down to defeat once again.

Brewers Collapse in a Nutshell Haiku

by Tom Martin (@brew_haiku)

Game 140. Cardinals 3, Brewers 2
Brewers lose and the
State of Wisconsin says
“Meh, it’s football season”

Game 141. Brewers 6, Cardinals 2
Losing streak over
Fiers, Scooter and Davis shine
Winning streak at one

Game 142. Cardinals 5, Brewers 3
Lohse faces old team
Gives up a couple homers
Crew can’t bail him out

Game 143. Cardinals 7, Brewers 0
In 9th, who’s that passing us?
“Hi Pirates, on your way up!”
We keep on falling

Cardinals 9, Brewers 0
It’s Wei-Chung Wang time
Bernie Brewer to pitch next
Crew raises white flag

Redbird October

by Steven D. Johnson

I love America
.    I love Fall
.        I love October
.            I love baseball

Now September is here
October is near!
“Let’s Go Cardinals!”
The St. Louis fans cheer

In unwritten October saga
.    who will get the win?
.        Waino, Miller, Wacha,
.            Lackey, and Lance Lynn!

It’s the top of the first and the Cards field with grace
Bourjos in center field to Wong at second base
Then top of the lineup, Matheny will say,
“is Carpenter, Jay, and Matt Holliday”

I love America.  I love Fall.
.     I love St. Louis Cardinals baseball!

Now it’s bottom of the fifth.  Our first baseman is at bat –
last name Adams, first name Matt
With Peralta on deck and Molina in the hole
the Redbirds will surely give it body and soul

In Busch Stadium – baseball heaven
.    “Go Cards!” is our song
.        “Go Waino!”  “Go Wacha!”
.            “Go Yadi!”  “Go Wong!”

Now in the 7th
from the bullpen is sought
Maness or Freeman
Martinez or Motte

The Cards lead by one
and our pitchers get the call
Eighth inning, Neshek
Ninth, Rosenthal!

I love America
.    I love Fall
.        I love October
.            and I love baseball!


The Baseball That Ate Hollywood!

by Bob Nemtusak

“Come on, Hobbs! You’re up!!”
Pick up a bat, and do it!
The Cubs fans blamed Steve Bartman.
Who’s to say?
Seems like they blew it.

Pierzynski punched Cubs catcher–
Now A.J.’s Saint Louis red;
Oakland has some Athletics,
Coco puts pitchers to bed.

Another earthquake series?
White Sox got Cy Young, and Rookie.
Shave those beards–
You lot not Wookiees