The World Series (After Game 4)

by Stephen Jones

Maybe it’s too soon to comment . . .

But am I seeing baseball – while entertainment —
Not being played at the highest level meant?

What it might be, I am thinking,
Seems more like two boxers, each hoping
For the other’s over-a-rule stumbling
Or for a pick-off miscalculating.

Each mistake, it seems, wins a round.
The last man standing will hold the ground
In this series of fluke and luck.


Pinched Running (World Series Game #4)

by Hilary Barta

When you’re brought in, it’s strictly for pace
Your one thought is be quick, win the race
But, whatever you do,
With two outs, down by two,
Don’t get caught — don’t get picked off the base.


The Faulty Classic (World Series Game #2)

by Hilary Barta

There’s the throw that should not have been thrown
And the pop up that dropped like a stone
Though they’re pros, both the Birds
And the Hose have laid turds
And have shown they’re to sloppiness prone.