What Matt Harvey Is and Could Be

By Stu Shea

The possibility of spring,
The pristine arm
Has ’em on a string,
With no elbow damage
And no harm
The Mets’ good luck charm
The golden child,
Good fastball, good poise
And not wild.
Lots of noise
From da NYC,
They’re never mild
When they’ve got a live one
Who hasn’t yet even begun.


2013 NL East Prediction Haiku

By Stuart Shea

Georgia is the world’s
Top pecan supplier. Plus
Andrelton Simmons

Why is a fish tank
So fascinating to watch?
Billion-dollar chum.

No, it’s not a joke!
Cowgill and Valdespin are
In center field now

Unnatural arm,
Unbelieveable results–
Can Strasburg stay fit?

The old and infirm
Are the last to know that they
Are old and infirm


The Mets vs. The Nationals This Past Weekend

by Stephen Jones

Like political parties after an election
each one going an opposite direction:

The Mets going south, in some recession;
The Nationals baseball’s frontrunner this season.

Even the one win seems small satisfaction
to the Mets, whose promise is now deflation.

The Mets, like the veteran politicians,
know “Nothing gets done in Washington.”

“Fear Strikes Out” Strikes Out

by Hilary Barta

To the wall, back he goes, with a twirl
Grabs the ball, strikes a pose, then the hurl
.     Though the term’s not “correct”
.     I’ll be firm and direct:
I’m appalled Perkins “throws like a girl”

Hilary Barta shares his obsessions of old movies and comics at his daily limerick site, LimerWrecks.