by patrick
David Wright scorching
Teddy Ballgame shakes his head
Summer slump ahead
David Wright scorching
Teddy Ballgame shakes his head
Summer slump ahead
Check out the rest of their music and support the Isotopes by visiting
Say “Hi” to “The Kid”
who never missed a beat/bat
of enthusiasm & protocol
even when his locker room
teammates were elsewhere
who believed baseball is a game
not of dollars & nonsense
who never cursed ‘cept once
in Game 6 the ’86 World Series
when on first base he swore
“I will not lose this damn game”
heart owning the whole thing
& who maintained a standard
beyond “behind home plate”
& something we could all learn from
So many moons past…
The spring of Chipper gives way
To rust and pallor
New house and new name
Young folks up til all hours
The Blizzard of Ozz
They built this Citi.
Now they have to live in it
Short fences or not
At the keystone sack
Nothing but questions surface
In this pennant Chase
Message from the East—
“Beware high expectations”
Tapped out in Morse code
Reyes gone.
Life goes on.
New woes take
time to bake.
Now Johan
can’t pitch/can?
Either way,
sad to say,
fans don’t care,
won’t be there.
where Mets yield.”
Money’s tight
wallet’s light.
Can’t pay loans,
Wilpon phones
just to see
if they can
find a plan.
Get some jocks
with high socks,
shirts tucked in
after win.
Will Dave Wright
now take flight?
Song of swan,
“Reyes gone.”
Ron Kaplan is the head honcho at the excellent blog, Ron Kaplan’s Baseball Bookshelf, which is about baseball but not strictly about books.