Bobby Cox Limerick

By James Finn Garner

NEWS ITEM: Bobby Cox was ejected from Tuesday’s game by umpire Ted Barrett. This was Cox’ 132nd ejection, breaking the all-time record previously held by John McGraw.


Bobby Cox, did you feel rejection

When you broke McGraw’s mark for ejections?

Noble Brave, please don’t pout,

‘cuz getting thrown out

Endears you to our cheering section.

Song of a Slump

by Jeffrey Felshman

Can’t hit, can’t pitch, can’t win,
Like ’62 all over again.
Their bats stilled
By the strong-armed Phils?
The bullpen pounded
By the mighty Dodgers.
Swept away in LA
We can still play, they say
We’ll win again someday.
We’ll get cranked
Against the Yanks,
So the boys keep swinging,
But the league keeps singing:
Meet the Mets,
Greet the Mets,
Step right up and beat the Mets,
Give us this day our daily slaughter —

Send in the Mets!

Posted 6/18/07

Marlins Poem

by Stu Shea


Squish, squish, squish!

Let’s beat up on the Fish!

Nobody comes to their games anyhow

And you may find grilled marlin delish!


Posted June 8.