by Doug White
Took the best chemicals that man could make
Because a prized record he wanted to break,
But too many injections
Led to so much rejection,
And thus Barry’s been labeled a fake
by Doug White
Took the best chemicals that man could make
Because a prized record he wanted to break,
But too many injections
Led to so much rejection,
And thus Barry’s been labeled a fake
by Tom Shea
O, his blood is clean as a geranium!
Here’s how Barry Bonds fills every stadium:
Weight work in the off-season
‘S the sole, simple reason
For his huge, massive, 90-pound cranium.
by James Finn Garner
Now, everyone knows it’s legit
When Barry Bonds strokes out a hit.
It ain’t no shot in the rear
With the cream or the clear.
It’ s…genes and….hard work and…like, that shit.
by Jim Powers
Though Bonds swings a bat with great speed,
He calls juice accusations hackneyed.
“What fun is to hit?
I don’t give a shit–
I like sliding on slick shoulders acne’d.”
by Doug White
Barry Bonds wanted so badly
To be just a little more manly
And hit the ball higher
Than Mark fucking McGwire–
Now no one remembers him fondly.