2012 NL West Prediction Haiku

By Stuart Shea

Over(bay) the Miles,
Young men climb Upton a Hill—
This poet’s a Putz

The prime of one’s life
Ends around 40 for all
But Jamie Moyer

It’s a Magic time!
Millionaires swap property
And the fans go wild

Highly paid jocks in
Military uniforms?
A bullshit salute

The Posey’s a bloom
That needs strong roots around it
Not these flimsy sticks

Matty Alou, The Poem

By Hart Seely

Roy White, you did all right.
Jim Ray Hart, you played your part.
Willie Mays, those were the days!
Matty Alou, is it really true?

Duke Sims, you climbed on limbs.
Sparky Lyle, you made us smile.
Horace Clarke, you jumped the shark.
Matty Alou, we must bid adieu?

Harvey Kuenn, you made the scene.
Juan Marichal, you gave ’em hell.
Steve Blass, let’s raise a glass!
Matty Alou, we’ll remember you.

Hart Seely’s new book, The Juju Rules: Or How to Win Ballgames From Your Couch, will be published by Houghton Mifflin in time for Opening Day 2012.  You can pre-order it from Amazon at this link.

For Sale

by Stephen Jones

Sale: Storied Franchise
By McCourt in divorce court
Call: 1-800-Bailout

Cardinals: Don’t Hate Us Cuz We Win

by Alan P. Rudy

A Cubs fan laments of Cardinal success,
In the face of Philly’s utter Yankee-ness,
And Arizona’s owner’s militant anti-immigrant mess,
Of Milwaukee’s ties to the Commish’s anti-player caress…
Fans of cursed fate are sad to witness.

Post-Season Prediction Doggerel

by James Finn Garner

All the network media dorks
Sing the praises of New York

They hate visiting places strange
Like Motown and the Texas Range

They’d rather crawl through Gotham sewers
Than watch the Snakes or Rays or Brewers.

They’re happy as a dog with bone
To stay in th’ Eastern Time Zone.

But Yankees pitching ain’t worth a lick.
The Phillies are my pick, in six.