Casey on the Mound (Fourth World Series Game, 1941)

by Joe Pacheco

The outlook was so brilliant for the Brooklyn Nine that day.
The score stood four to three with but one inning left to play.
And when Sturm died on first and Red Rolfe did the same,
A mighty expectation filled the faithful at the game.
They thought if Casey could deliver as he had not yesterday,
The series would be tied with three more games to play.

But Henrich was now batting, with DiMaggio standing by,
And there was three and two on Tommy when Casey let it fly,
And when the moistened sphere broke down upon the plate
Henrich swung and missed it — Strike Three! — the roar was great,
Except that Mickey Owen, All-Star catcher of the year
Had let the ball roll by him with no other player near.

So upon the stricken multitude a sudden panic sat,
The game had not yet ended and DiMaggio was at bat.
Joltin’ Joe let drive a single to the dread dismay of all,
And Charlie “King Kong” Keller tore the cover off the ball,
And when the dust had lifted and they looked to see the score:
New York Yankees five, Brooklyn Dodgers only four!

But Casey wasn’t finished as the Flatbush Faithful found.
The game is never over with Casey on the mound.
A walk and another double put icing on the cake.
Two more runs for seven on Casey’s last mistake.

O nowhere in the Flatlands were there eyes without a tear.
From Coney Isle to Bushwick, they kept crying in their beer.
Fourteen more years they waited for a World Champion to be crowned,
Thanks to Owen’s All-Star catching and Casey on the mound.


Posted 5/21/2010

National League West 2010 Haiku Forecasts

By Stuart Shea

Some cacti have more range
Than Conor Jackson in left.
But he can hit some.

Poor Jamie McCourt.
All that cash for the players
Where’s her unfair share?

A skinny pitcher,
Throwing nothing but BBs
This is his springtime.

Trade Adrian G?
Better to cut crocuses
Before they blossom.

A sore-armed closer
A thin middle relief corps…
A Street of bad dreams.

Posted 3/30/2010

Homer in the Ninth

by Todd Herges


From the Ninth Book of Homer’s Odyssey         

(Lines 101-112, as translated by J. W. MACKAIL, c. 1905)                                                           


Then for a while, as long as morn was grey,            

And through the increase of the sacred day,             

Against them, though they far outnumbered us,       

We held our ground and kept in our array.               


But at the hour of the descending sun,                      

When from the plough the oxen are undone,            

Back the Ciconians drove the Achaean host             

And broke them, that escape we hardly won            


From death and doom:  but of my mail-clad host     

Six from each ship lay dead upon the coast.             

Thence we sailed on, escaping glad from death,       

Yet heart-sore for the comrades we had lost.            



Homer in the Ninth


Then for a while, as they in travel gray,

And through the weather of the autumn day,

Against them, though their fan base outsized ours,

We held our ground and kept L.A. at bay.


Long past the hour of the descending sun,

When from the beer the vendors are undone,

Back the Angelenos drove Manuel’s men

And broke them, that escape we hand’ly won


From season’s end:  beat’n by the red-clad host

The Dodger team lay dead upon our coast.

Thence we moved on, escaping glad from death,

Yet thankful Ryan Howard gives his most.


Posted 10/22/2009

On a Possible Rockies-Cardinals Playoff

By Stuart Shea

Rocks usually roll downhill.
These Rockies aren’t just landfill.

Left for dead in early May,
They’re in the playoff hunt today.

Playing halfway up the sky,
The Rockies feel a mile high.

The Cards may be their October foe,
Which ought to make a lovely show.

They’ll face a guy they used to pay–
That hitting star, Matt Holliday.

With Denver smog vs. St. Louis heat,
The Coors and Bud should flow quite sweet.


Posted 9/22/2009

Kung Fu Panda’s Stretch Run

By Stuart Shea

If Pablo Sandoval
Has a fault at all
It’s simply that his uniform can’t fit.

Nobody looks like him
And it will be quite grim
If sometime soon his uniform pants split.


Posted 9/15/2009