I Feel Pretty

by The Village Elliott

I feel pretty,
Not self-pity,
Feel like dancing from Jints’ week in town!
Don’t feel shitty
Like last weekend, when let my dauber down!

I feel pretty
Back in city
Jints play pretty and gritty and tight!
And I pity
Any fan of team not mine tonight!

I feel charming
Team’s disarming
How rearming up-daubered I feel!
From “Team’s shitty”
To “Maybe Giants are for real.”

See my city’s team in the ballpark there
Who can now-gritty Giants be?
Came home in last place
Road trip was mess
Home stand puts new smile
On old fans like me!

Team’s play stunning
From week winning with play team deploys,
I’m back in love
With this team of wonderful boys!


All-World Sage

by the Village Elliott

For Willie Mays, born 5/6/1931

Eighty-six years ago, sixth of May,
“Second Genius” kid reborn to play:
Willie Mays, baseball sage,
Struts on Bard’s All-World Stage,
Kid’s fans shout giant birthday “Say, Hey!”


If I Told the Giants (What They Must Do…)

by the Village Elliott

Injuries are tearing the Jints apart
Doom best-laid plans their brain trust had conceived
Even attack Bruce Bochy’s broken heart
Stressed Brandon Crawford made him more bereaved

Posey beaned, Joe’s hand’s jammed, Bum’s bike doth fall,
Smith, Mac, Morse, Brown spend all spring on DL.
Both Parker, Span can’t hit ball, can hit wall,
Pence tweaks knee, now whole outfield shot to hell.

Maybe Jints are like Old Boney First, who said,
“I saw Elba ere I met my Waterloo.
Learned if I win battles, need not count dead.
Must if war’s lost, to pay butcher’s bill due.”

Jints laugh like Lincoln when told what to do:
“‘Anyone’ can’t replace an outfielder done.
‘Anyone’ might replace one done for you,
I must replace one who’s done with ‘someone.'”

I don’t know what Bobby Evans must do.
Not the GM, I don’t build big league squads,
Learned, “Must trust Jints’ brain trust has a clue
To appease and not offend Baseball Gods.”


Bob Dylan’s 2017 Forecast: “With God on Cards’ Side”

By the Village Elliott

Oh, my game, it is baseball.
My home team’s the best,
The team that I root for,
Once league’s furthest west;
I’s taught and brought up where
Redbird fans reside,
Learn the St. Louis Cardinals
Have God on our side.

Learned the game from my father,
Local fan till last day.
Taught me, “Watch your team play, son,
Play the game the right way.”
Watched, rooted, and studied,
Played with own inner pride,
Like I learned as a Cards’ fan
With God on our side.

Have own Hall of Fame Roster
Bat with Redbirds on chest
Diz and Gibby hurled high heat
“Stan the Man’s” still our best
Slats, Pepper, Brock, Cha Cha
Curt Flood’s on-/off-field pride.
My team’s greats played the game right
With God on their side.

I attended first series,
Damn Yanks, ’64.
Teams split the first six games,
Each must win one game more.
Sat with Dad in the bleachers,
Where Mick’s last tater flied.
Final out celebrated
With God on our side.

Beat Damn Yanks for first title.
Old Pete was the gent,
Soon Lou and Babe payback,
In four games Cards are spent.
Split next two, early ’40s,
Wounded Damn Yankees’ pride,
Then they start counting dead boys
With God on their side.

After Second World War, boys,
BoSox dream Cards upend.
Later “Lonborg’s Champagne”
Drink “Impossible’s” end,
But post-Y2K,
Big Papi’s, Sox pride
Twice repay the Redbirds
With God on their side.

Oh, the record book tells it,
It tells it so well:

Heart’s Dear Memory

by the village Elliott

For Mirian Cepeda, d. 4/12/17

‘Tis a sad day for Jints’ family
Mirian has passed into history.
Mrs. Cha Cha, though passed,
Left her love that will last
In hearts filled with her dear memory.