Bob Dylan’s 2017 Forecast: “Subterranean Baseball Finance Blues”

by James Finn Garner

Rays are in the basement
Ain’t got the tin to spend
Braves are in a new tent
Paid for by the government
Oakland’s in the same boat
Should they stay? Should they go?
Big pay day’s in San Jose
But for now they’re gonna stay in East Bay

Look out kid
Ya done bin outbid
Owners cry the poor mouth, doin’ it again
Wanna build skyboxes to party with their rich friends
Some day you gotta stop but you don’t know when
Season ticket costs eleven grand, you only got ten . . .



Washington’s 7th Inning Stretch (too far)

by Raphael Badagliacca

Here’s what I say
Crime doesn’t always pay
Harper stole a base
and Murphy’s hot bat
All in the same play

Durocher tells this story
How Mays hit a ball
High up off the wall
But stopped at first
And watched the ball fall
So McCovey who hit next
Could hit one over the wall


Raphael Badagliacca is the author of The Yogi Poems and Fathers Day.

Unlikely? Incredible? Implausible?

by Hilary Barta

“Improbable”? Where’s my thesaurus?
Let’s sing out a “Woo!” in a chorus
The Cubs just came back
Got their bats back on track
Either that, or that bullpen was porous.


Blown by the Pen

by the Village Elliott

Cubs 6, Giants 5 — Congratulation, Cubbies!

Top of ninth, stunned fans scream, “Not again!
One more Giants’ lead blown by the pen!”
Crawford’s second wild throw–
Two free runs, fatal blow.
Older fans wish they still had Robb Nen.