The Oakland Blues

by Dr. Rajesh C. Oza

You lose a game,
And it hurts
Like a paper cut.

You don’t make the playoffs,
And it hurts
Like a broken nose.

You lose the last game of the World Series,
And it hurts
Like a Type III fracture.

You lose one hundred and twenty games,
And it still don’t hurt
Like having your heart ripped out.

Becuz’ in your world,
The hurt will heal
As you wait until next year.

Like a rainbow thief, the A’s owner
Has forever stolen the Green & Gold
And left only the Blues.

He’s stealing away,
Up Highway 80 to sAcrAmento,
Chasing a pot o’ gold to lAs vegAs.

The letter “A” has been ripped out of
The O*kl*nd *lph*bet.
And now he*rt sounds like hurt.

A broken old man sits crying
In the desolate Coliseum
With a cancer of the heart.

Becuz’ in his world,
The hurt will metastasize
On every Opening Day.

Dr. Oza’s novel Double Play on the Red Line sits at the intersection of Ernie Banks’ Cubs, the Negro Leagues, riding the El, wrongful convictions, immigration and friendship. It will be published in October 2024 by Chicago’s Third World Press.


Nap Lajoie

by Michael Ceraolo

I once was quoted as saying
no one gives you anything in baseball,
but that isn’t correct
Morgan Murphy gave me and other Phillies many hits
when he stole signs from the stands
and relayed them to a coacher through a buzzer system,
and the coacher then relayed them to us
And the St. Louis Browns gave me half-a-dozen bunt hits
during a doubleheader to end the 1901 season,
enabling me to win the batting title and a car
I took those gifts without apology,
though I often wished that the Browns
would have given us the ’08 pennant instead


Intentional Walk

by R. Gerry Fabian

It is a pure sign of respect.

Yet a gamble that must be calculated.
The number of outs;
where the runners are;
is first base open?
Who is up next?
Is his bat hot?
Does he thrive in these situations?

The manager makes the decision
and carries
the consequences
long into the late night.

R. Gerry Fabian is the author of three novels and four books of poetry. His latest book of poems, Ball On The Mound, is a collection of original baseball poems, available at Amazon.

White Sox Strategic Planning

by GM Chris Getz

If you would have told me
we were going to end up
flirting with the record,

I would have been
a little surprised.

Now if you would have told me
prior to the year
that we would have ended up
with over 100 losses,



I wouldn’t have been
as surprised.

Tommy’s Guarantee

by Tommy Lasorda

I have never, ever,
since I managed,
told a pitcher to throw at anybody,
nor will I ever.

And if I ever did,
I certainly wouldn’t
make him throw
at a
f–king .130 hitter like Lefebvre
or f–king Bevacqua,
who couldn’t hit water
if he fell
out of a f–king boat.

And I guaran-f–king-tee you this:
When I pitched
and I was going to pitch against a team
that had guys on it
like Bevacqua,
I sent a f–king limousine
to get the c–ksucker
to make sure
he was in the motherf–king lineup
because I kicked that c–ksucker’s ass
any day of the week.

He’s a f–king motherf–king big mouth,
I’ll tell you that.