
by Fred Lovato

“Financial threshold”
“payroll flexibilty”
owner-speak buzzwords


Milwaukee Makes Hay

by The Brewer Haiku-er (@brew_haiku)

Game 63. Brewers 7, Pirates 4
It’s a tight ballgame
Then Bucs can’t find the strike zone
And gift us 3 runs.

Game 64. Brewers 7, Pirates 4
Crew down 4 – nothing
Then put up 5 in the 4th
To put Pirates down.

Game 65. Brewers 5, Pirates 2
Winning continues
Crew sweep the Bucs outta town
Now back to the Reds.

The Brewer Haiku-er documents every Brewer game of the season in haiku on Twitter. Other Twitter haiku mavens are @MarinerBasho, @dodgershaiku1, @CardinalHaiku, and @TheCubsinHaiku. Follow them all and give ’em some high-five-seven-fives.