Choice Cuts

by Jim Siergey

The choice is A. Dunn or A. Rios
Which one of them hurt the Sox the most?
.    This year they both stank
.    but one broke the bank
So, Alex, it’s Vaya con Dios

Flame Thrower

by Hilary Barta

Zambrano’s again under fire
for wanting to early retire
.    The combustible hothead
.    is just a big knothead
who’d ignite his own funeral pyre

Hilary Barta’s limericks on movies, comics and pop culture can be found every day at LimerWrecks.


by Jim Siergey

The man with initials A.D.
The Sox signed for many a G.
.    Unfortunately,
.    They did not foresee
He’s ready for A.A.R.P.

Go-Go Mojo Gone?

by Jim Siergey

The White Sox play just like a yo-yo.
Each time that you think they’re a no-go
.    They win for a week
.    And then they will reek.
They make a fan feel like a dodo.

The Cards Can Be Killers

by Hilary Barta

They say that a fan should be loyal,
but the pain in the stands can be royal!
How does one stay true
to the Cubs’ losing crew
when they play unaccording to Hoyle?