Cubs-Nationals, Opening Day 2012

by Hilary Barta

As the management turns a new leaf
The old fans are relearning their grief
As the ace, Dempster’s strong,
But then brace for what’s wrong,
And make plans to get burned in relief.


Hilary Barta is the chief cook and bottle-washer at LimerWrecks.

Of Sox and Biology

By Joyce Heiser

Like the time-honored herd made of turtle,
The White Sox see a race full of hurdle.
Sure, they’ve won by one run,
But rebuilding’s no fun,
Chelonian, they are, for certle.

(It’s a) Spring Thing

by Hilary Barta

Take the bats and the balls and the batters
Add the catcalls and hall-of-fame statters
Then the scouting reports
That drown out other sports —
It’s the national pastime that matters


For the best in limericks, discerning doggerelists always insist on Hilary Barta’s poems at LimerWrecks.