All Bi-Nominal Team

1B   Tommy Thompson
2B   Pat Patterson
SS   Andy Anderson
3B   Bobby Robinson

LF   Willie Wilson
CF   Eddie Edmonson
RF   Jack Jackson

C    Benny Bengough

LHP   John Henry Johnson, Dave Davidson, Johnny Johnson
RHP   Tommy Toms, Johnny Johnson, Tommy Thomas

MGR   Dizzy Dismukes

Taylor and Tyler Rogers, Photo from

Twice Bitten, Once Shy

A/K/A Snakes to be You

by Michael X. Ferraro

It was just what the Diamondbacks dreaded–
a split double-header, yet they got beheaded.


MLB All-Legal Team

1B   David Justice
2B   Jury-ckson Profar
SS   Joe Sargent
3B   Ernie Courtney

LF   Barrister Bonds
CF   Lave Cross
RF   Aaron Judge

C    Josh Lex

RHP   Derek Law, Jailen Peguero
LHP   Ryan Sherriff, John Courtright

Relief RHP   Cameron Jury

MGR   Tom Lawless

Last Call for the Coliseum

by James Finn Garner

As the sun sinks low over East Bay,
We savor the memories of when they’d play,

That team from Oakland in yellow and green
And some of the greatest we’ve ever seen.

Leading off, of course, the immortal Rickey,
Powerful, swift, determined, tricky,

Then lanky, mustachioed Rollie, and who
Can forget Catfish and Vida Blue?

Campy Campaneris and Sal Bando
Thrilled the nascent East Bay fandom

The Swingin’ A’s and Charley O
Kept things jumping, three rings in a row.

Dave Stewart, imposing on the mound,
And Reggie Jackson! Too big for this town

Dennis Eckersley, Jason Giambi,
Dwayne Murphy, Joe Rudi, Rick Monday

A franchise always hurting for cash
Still grew Bob Welch and the Brothers of Bash

And a World Series paused by an earthquake?
These are the things that diehards make.

Rowdy! Joyous! Full-bore! . . . Buzzed?
They didn’t always win, but then who does?

For a snapshot of what it means to be an Oakland A’s fan, check out this article from the SF Chronicle, which is also posting an oral history with players from different eras of the team.