Thirteen Frames

by HoraceClarke66

You play thirteen frames and whattaya get?
Another win closer to a-playin’ the Mets
Sonny put in eight and the pen did five
They shut down the Jays and that’s no jive.

If you see us comin’, you better get lost
A lotta teams didn’t and a lot got tossed
One fist’s Giancarlo, the other is Judge
They’ll pound you down to a puddle of sludge.

They was born one mornin’ in an old wood crate
Picked up a bat and walked up to the plate
Hit that ball into the upper deck
Left-a Cashman gaspin’, “Now what the heck?”

You play thirteen frames an’ whattaya get?
Still a game behind Boston, who we ain’t caught yet
Metsies, don’t you cross us ’cause we ain’t got time
We’ll beat you down like some old French mime.


This originally appeared on the Yankees blog, It is High, It is Far, It is . . . caught.

In Citi Field, the Metsies Blow

By HoraceClarke66

With apologies to Lt. Col. John McCrae

In Citi Field, the Metsies lie,
Beneath the jet-congested sky.
Their arms have faltered one-by-one,
Their bats have failed, they cannot run
And Cespedes doth pound his thigh.

They are the Dead. Short days ago
They lived, won games, saw Mickey Calloway glow.
Loved and were loved–
By Mets fans, anyway.
Then their prospects died in May.

Take heed, ye fans, and observe the fate
Of the team whose owner craves real estate.
His dreams are not filled with rings or pennants
But wealthy European tenants.
He does not care if the seats are cold
In Citi Field, where the Metsies fold.


This parody first appeared on the Yankee blog, It is High, It is Far, It is . . . caught.