Love Me, Vendor

by Hilary Barta

At a ballgame the eats can’t be beat
And they haul all the treats to your seat
.      You can sit on your rear
.      While you sip from your beer
And just call for a sweet encased meat.


Inter-League Play (Going My Way?)

by Stephen Jones

The bells are ringing for inter-league play –
A diet staple, just like a holiday.

What was once a summer oddity
Is now regular baseball commodity,

Some match-ups enhance old rivalries –
Like Mets/Yankees, a subway series.

Others are fuel for the ongoing fire –
To DH or not?  That argument doesn’t tire.

To Judy and Der Bingle – my apologies.
Baseball is fathomless, with twisting eddies.

It continues, Zeus-like, with cosmic mystery
Ordaining: The AL keeps its singularity.


Clean Plate Club

By Jim Siergey

O, when will the White Sox start scoring?
It seems that home plate they’re ignoring
.      O please get a hit
.      and score just a bit
Heck, even the Cubs are less boring

In addition to penning doggerel, Jim Siergey is an award-winning illustrator and the creator of Cultural Jet Lag.