Playoff Letter to The Yankees

by Stephen Jones

Dear Yankees: You’d better grasp
Your playoff circumstance.

With just a month to play,
It’s time for you to seize the day.

The games you should have won
Now haunt you.  Are you  done?

Wake up offense!  Shake off slumber!
Hello team . . . it’s now September.

Yours truly, and all the rest . . .
But you’d better put out your best.

P.S.: Otherwise, it’s game over –
And a sad end for Derek Jeter.


Jints Leapfrog is Dead

by the Village Elliott

Jints fans cheered first game, won nine to none,
“Sweep next two, leapfrog Bums, they is done!”
.      But next 19 runs said,
.      “Jints blanked leapfrog is dead,
Doubt Kershaw will lose final one.”