Moon, Swoon, Baseball in June

By James Finn Garner

On this beautiful summer day in June
The Royals rise and the White Sox swoon
The Astros still dream of their trip to the moon
The Red Sox hope they aren’t peaking too soon
While the Yanks obsess over things picayune
The Rangers and Jays field their share of goons
Tampa ponders a move to Saskatoon. . .

And Epstein’s still the smartest guy in the room.


Memorial Day

by Stephen Jones

Memorial Day — the unofficial
Start to summer. For many,
The sandy ritual at the beach;
For others, a pause to remember.

For me? I collect thoughts too —
Randomly, like shagging flies —
And I finally put away
All the winter clothes.

And I may self-indulge —
A Rasputin of the fridge.
One thing is certain:
I always watch a game.

It may sound disrespectful,
To be so hedonistic, but
During the seventh inning stretch
“God Bless America” popped up

And I caught a thought —
It curved to where I sat:
I only get to do this because
Of what someone did for me.