Yankees 6, Blue Jays 5

by Stephen Jones

Finally … a “grown-up victory,”
As the play-by-play guy said.
The frustrated faithful needed this.

Down 5-2, and fans grumbling
‘Bout the three-game slide and
“Not again. This is a division game!” …

But the Pinstripe bats woke up,
The bullpen came alive, and
Finally … a win for fans to relish.


Don Sutton

by Michael Ceraolo

On the ’66 Dodgers
I was the youngster on a staff of mostly veterans,
and I learned all I could from them
I couldn’t learn to throw a fastball or curve
like Koufax, that’s something that can’t be taught
But there were a couple of others
I could and did learn some tricks from
(wink wink)
I won’t rat them out even posthumously;
they know who they are,
and they have my eternal gratitude


Yankee Theater: “Macswat”

by Stephen Jones

“Bubble, bubble. Toil and …”
Nineteen home runs in three straight games.
Baseball records are being made
As The Bats of Endor have come together.
The Toronto Blue Jays went to Yankee Woods
And were swept away by The Thanes of Bronx.
Something awesome, something special,
Is going on in the Bronx.


AL East 2020 Projection Haiku

A Bardball exclusive, originally created by Stuart Shea

Reduce reuse rebuild
If prospects were wishes
They’d have a parade

Get us a ring, Chaim
Also below the tax cap
Beat the Yanks too, ‘kay?

Last year’s injured list
Now a memory–Ooops!
Judge sidelined again.

D’Arnaud, Garcia
Are off to greener pastures
They still grow talent.

Twenty-one hurlers
Keep switching battery out
Of blue muscle car.