American League West 2010 Haiku Forecasts

By Stuart Shea

Rich Latino woos
White fans who usually hire
Latino workmen.

Moneyball’s sunset
Means the lineup now includes
Kevin Kouzmanoff.

Hey, Jack Z….that nut
That fell off the hitting tree?
He’s your problem now.

Sweet spring robins’ song
May sound suspiciously like
“Neftali Feliz.”


Posted 4/20/2010

A Young Fellow’s Fancy

by Hilary Barta


It’s Spring, and a young fellow’s fancy…
well, you know, a fella gets antsy
.     Sees a bat, ball and glove
.     and his thoughts turn to love
Just like when Sid Vicious saw Nancy


Hilary Barta, well-known comic book illustrator, also runs Limerwrecks, a terrific website with limericks on monster movies, film noir, comic books and other pop culture. 

Posted 419/2010

American League East 2010 Haiku Forecasts

By Stuart Shea

Thousands of tweeters
Will talk of Matt Wieters while
Driving their beaters.

The spring mist rises
From the humid Fens again…
Wait, that’s fan B.O.

Autumn nears for A-
Rod, Mo, Jeter, Posada,
And, yes, Randy Winn.

A young rotation,
Some MVP candidates,
A tough division.

The center fielder
Needs to break his fall this spring–
Then all will be Wells.

Posted 4/6/2010

Opening Day

by Stephen Jones


OK OK it’s time
for hardball and bat

for a smack! or a ding!
now Spring later Summer

beginning with
good-natured arguments

in hardbacked seats
speculations jostling

’til October
when the game really begins


Posted 4/6/2010

Blame It On The Yankees

by Sid Yiddish


A 27th title
A 27th crown
I don’t believe it,
Did those Yankees buy it off like the 2003 Florida Marlins?

What’s a little extra cash between friends?
What’s a little stash hidden, what’s a little trash talk, just coz other teams didn’t win?

Blame it on the Yankees.
Since 2001 have been buying players black-market style, just to satisfy the fans.

Blame it on the Yankees
When A-Rod takes steroids
Blame it on the Yankees
When umpires look the other way
Blame it on the Yankees
When a new stadium was built and cost a ton
Blame it on the Yankees
When the new yarns are spun

Blame it on the Yankees
When the old legends mysteriously disappeared
Blame it on the Yankees
When they played on our worst fears
Blame it on the Yankees
When the Phillies lost hard
Blame it on the Yankees
When they caught the fans off-guard
Blame it on the Yankees
When they pulled hits out of thin air
Blame it on the Yankees
When they won the World Series fair and square

Blame it on the Yankees
Blame it on the Yankees

Because they always will.

Posted 11/11/2009