Asked for a Happy Memory of Her Father, She Remembers Wrigley Field

by Beth Ann Fennelly

His drinking was different in sunshine,
as if it couldn’t be bad. Sudden, manic,
he swung into a laugh, bought me
two ice creams, said One for each hand.

Half the hot game I licked Good Humor
running down wrists. My bird mother earlier,
packing my pockets with sun block,
had hopped her warning: Be careful.

So, pinned between his knees, I held
his Old Style in both hands
while he streaked the cream on my cheeks
and slurred, My little Indian princess.

Home run: the hairy necks of men in front
jumped up, thighs torn from gummy green bleachers
to join the violent scramble. Father
held me close and said, Be careful,

be careful. But why should I be full of care
with his thick arms circling my shoulders,
with a high smiling sun, like a home run,
in the upper right-hand corner of the sky?


Beth Ann Fennelly recently served as the poet laureate of Mississippi and teaches in the MFA Program at the University of Mississippi, where she is a four-time teaching award winner. This poem appeared in her book, Open House.


MLB All-Valentines-Day Team

1B   Pete Roses
2B   Cupid Childs
SS    Jake Flowers
3B   Candy Jim Taylor

LF   Barry Bon-Bonds
CF   Candy Maldonado
RF   Eros “Country” Slaughter

C    Gabby Heartnett

LHP   Slim Love, Vance Lovelace, Richard Lovelady
RHP   Ben Flowers, Bill Monbouquette, Vicente Amor

MGR   Bobby Valentine

O Captain! My Captain!

by Hart Seely

O Captain! my Captain!
Our fearful trip is done,
The ship has sprung a thousand leaks,
The prize we sought is gone.

The end is near, the drums I hear,
The bleachers steadily clearing,
The faithful weep; in sight, a sweep,
Juan Soto disappearing.

But o, Boone! Boone! Boone!
Bring gallon jugs of wine,
For deep on deck my Captain lies,
Struck out, oh for nine.


MLB All-Halloween Team

1B   Candy LaChance
2B   Pumpkinsie Green
SS   Sandy Malomar
3B   Chris Spooker

LF   Mummy Ramirez
CF   Trik Speaker
RF   Vlampire Guerrero

C     Earl Battey

LHP   Randy Wolfman, Baby Ruth
RHP   Trevor BOOOOer, Black Catfish Hunter, Ricky Bones

MGR   Treat Speaker


MLB All-Autumn-Cozy-Like-Martha-Stewart Team

1B   Canadian Goose Tatum
2B   Pumpsie Spice Green
SS   Luke Caramel Appling
3B   Alex Decorative Gourdon

LF    Tail Gates Brown
CF    Walt “Turtleneck” Williams
RF    Félix Pumpkin Pié

C      Moses Fleecewood Walker

LHP   Cliff Leefpile, Matt S’Moore
RHP   Boof Bonfire, Aaron Rakers

MGR   Hot Cyder Young