True North

by James Finn Garner

“Make Canada the 51st state!”
Brays a thief-liar-rapist in hate.
Compassionate, fair,
Straight-up, self-aware–
Canucks are all things he ain’t.

With my bear buddy, Buddy Brown Bear, at a Vancouver Canadians game, June 2023.

Get Me Rewrite!

by James Finn Garner

The Tinseltown Team looking fab
The Bombers in line for the slab
Then a flick of the wrist
A storyline twist
And our hope for more games gets a jab.

Undead Ball Era

When Karloff stepped up to the plate
The fear in the grandstand was great
His features alone
Turned Keaton to stone
As spectators grabbed torches and rakes.

Boris Karloff and catcher Buster Keaton have fun at a Hollywood charity game in 1940.