All Right, a Few More Limericks to Pile on Barry

The Barry Bonds Limerick Trilogy: “Three Strikes and Yer Out!”

by Lou Carlozo

Canto One:
Farewell, Barry Bonds, Mr. Droider!
With a noggin as big as a goiter.

Can you take 30 years
Worth of jailbird jeers

In the prison yard parks where you’ll loiter?

Canto Two:
How many home runs could I pump
If I took 90 shots to my rump?

73 in a season?
It must stand to reason

Ask Barry–that Balco-ball chump.

Canto Three:
If Barry partook of the ‘droids,
It’s a cinch his career is destroyed.

Needles stuck in his ass,
Now he’s in a morass–

Strike three, ’cause the Feds are annoyed.


The Ho of Fame

by James Finn Garner

If Barry needed any incitement
To confess, now here’s his indictment.

Else, to prison he’ll go
To be someone’s ho,

Where anal rape’s the daily excitement.


Back in the News

By Doug White

Barry Bonds is back in the news
On CNN, Fox and even “The View”.

Though reporters have hedged
And say “it’s alleged”,

Everyone knows this time he’s through.

Jeff Kent, Courageous Dodger

by Stu Shea

“It’s hard to influence a big group. We’ve got some good kids on the team. Don’t get me wrong, please don’t misinterpret my impressions. [But] it’s hard to translate experience. I don’t know why they don’t get it.
“It’s close to the end of the season. And a career for me, too. I’m running out of time. A lot of kids in here, they don’t understand that…and it’s hard to get them to understand that because they’ve haven’t been there. So there lies some frustration.”

–Jeff Kent, 9/21/07

Jeff Kent, second base for the Dodgers,
Is defending his fellow old codgers.

Says the kids don’t play right—
Most are black, and he’s white.

Got that? Roger. Kent’s a mean-spirited, selfish racist who just wants to get his name in the papers and doesn’t care about the mess he leaves behind, especially if it makes him look good and other people look bad.

Posted 10/18/07


Three Cubs Limericks

by Tim McClure

The Cubs are in a bit of a slump.
Ninety-nine years is a big hump.

Fans want them to win,
And drinking they’ve been,

Waiting in bleachers like chumps.

When the Cubs lose I get mad,
All of my family is sad,

I kick things around,
My mind is not sound,

And life is generally bad.

I so hate it when the Cubs do lose,
And watching, I still do choose.

Forty-year-old sap,
What a load of crap,

I’m just deranged with no clues.

Posted 9/24/07 

Tampa Bay Limerick

by Bob Ausbourne

My heart has beat as a D-Ray
Since th’ first pitch of th’ initial day.

It’s so hard to cope,
But there always is hope–

It springs eternal, they say!

Barry Bonds Limerick # 14

By James Finn Garner

Don’t act like it’s all a big mystery

How Barry is rewriting history.

A pact with the devil

Didn’t raise his skill level—

T’was “Better Living Through Chemistry.”

Posted 9/11/2007