Oh, You’ve Got Yourself a No-Trade Clause! (By Dr. T.S. Geisel)

By Stu Shea

You may think you’ve traded me,
For some prospect at Pulaski,
But call my agent–he knows laws.
I have myself a no-trade clause!

I will not go to this new town,
I will not go by air or ground!
You should have asked before you dealt,
Before you tried to swap my pelt,
If I would play for Greeber City,
Or Veedenvelt.


MLB All-Refrigerator Team

by James Finn Garner

1B  Lefty Herring
2B  Rabbit Maranville
SS  Oyster Burns
3B  Joe Bean
LF  Buttercup Dickerson
CF  Milky Cabrera
RF  Ice Box Chamberlain
C   Yam Yaryan
LHP  William Peppers, Chick Smith
RHP  Sweetbread Bailey, Pete Hamm
MGR  Rawmeat Rogers


Lo, the Winter is Past

Each year, before the first spring training game, the late Tigers broadcaster Ernie Harwell would read from the Song of Solomon (2:11-12).



by Raphael Badagliacca

Now that we’ve grown up
You are the one we want to be
Always steady under pressure
Famous for coming through
Quoted by senators and presidents
Comfortable in your celebrity,
Wearing it like an old shoe.


From the collection The Yogi Poems and Other Celebrations of Local Baseball, which can be purchased here.